The analysis to the bureucratic perform is very urgent now because it has strategic values. The apparatus measurement can be translated as an evaluation activity which evaluate or observe the success or the failure of tasks implemented and its functions. In the other hand, this measurement to the govermental authority ‘s perform and its function is difficult to do objectively, because we do not apply the perform’s measurement system yet that can give informations about the level of its objective success and measured from the program perform of administration authority.
This thesis was entitled “The Analysis of Apparatus Perform in Regional Secretariat of Balangan Regency”. The aims of the research are to know and to describe the regional Secretariat’s apparatus Perform in Balangan Regency. Research methods applied in this research was descriptive using inductive approach.Data used in this analysis was primary and secondary one. The primary data was processed by the result of our observation and interviewing the apparatus of Regional Secretariat In Balangan Regency and other party which was still interrelated to the main task and function of Regional Secretariat of Balangan Regency. Data used in this analysis was primary and secondary one. The primary data was proccessed by the result of our observation and interviewing the apparatus of Regional Secretariat in Balangan Regency. The secondary data was obtained by regional Secretariat of Balangan Regency.
The analysis result shows that the apparatus perform of Regional Secretariat of Balangan Regency is edequate. We can see it by the indicators of productiveness, the quality of its service and responsiveness,responsibiness and accountabiliness. The research shows that the leadership and cultural factors had great effect on the regional Secretariat’s apparatus perform in Balangan Regency.Full Text:
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Peraturan tentang Pedoman Umum Penetapan Indikator Kinerja Utama di Lingkungan Instansi Pemerintahan (No.5/2007)
TAP MPR RI Nomor IV/MPR/1999 tentang Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara (GBHN)
Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2000 tentang Program Pembangunan Nasional Tahun 2000-2004
Keputusan Men.PAN Nomor: KEP/26M.PAN/2/2004
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