Abstract. Learning science in schools could be very "challenging" for the teachers since they have to implement scientific learning which focuses on student-centered as much as possible. This research was oriented on a scientific approach in which related to process skills and student learning outcomes. The pre-experimental research used a one-shot case study design. The research was conducted on VIII-A class at one of the state junior high schools in Palangka Raya. The data collection techniques were observation and written tests. The results showed that: (1) there were 40% of students who had science process skills in the very good category, 44% in the good category, and 16% in the fair category; (2) there were 73.33% of the students who had achieved the learning outcomes mastery. The application of the scientific approach had positive impact on science process skills and student learning outcomes. However, another interesting finding was that the students still had difficulties in linking the material being studied with everyday reality.
Keywords: science learning. scientific approach, process skills.
Abstrak. Pembelajaran IPA di sekolah sangat “menantang” guru sedapat mungkin mengimplementasikan pembelajaran saintifik yang berpusat pada peserta didik. Penelitian ini berorientasi pada pendekatan saintifik, kaitannya dengan keterampilan proses dan hasil belajar peserta didik. Penelitian pre-experimental design ini menggunakan one-shot case study. Penelitian dilakukan pada peserta didik kelas VIII-A pada salah satu SMP Negeri di Palangka Raya. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan tes tertulis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Sebanyak 40% peserta didik memiliki keterampilan proses sains dengan kategori yang sangat baik, 44% dengan kategori baik, dan 16% dengan kategori cukup baik. (2) Sebanyak 73.33% peserta didik telah mencapai ketuntasan hasil belajar. Penerapan pendekatan Saintifik berdampak positif terhadap capaian keterampilan proses sains serta hasil belajar peserta didik. Namun demikian, temuan menarik lainnya adalah peserta didik masih kesulitan mengaitkan materi yang dipelajari dengan realita sehari-hari.
Kata kunci: pembelajaran IPA. pendekatan saintifik, keterampilan proses.
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