rainfall tropical areas. As a highly influential and mobile substance, its occurrence is very important in bioavailability
of nutrients. Not only in the decomposition process of soil organic matter -which is the main
process of nutrient availability-, but also in sorption-desorption process of P in solid-liquid phases of soils. In
addition, ligand exchange is another process which occurs due to the existence of organic-C in P
transformation. Another important factor is the role of soil micro-organisms in mediation of P dynamics in the
soil. In this role, soluble P immobilisation and its mineralisation due to phosphatase enzyme are another
important biochemical processes related to organic-C. Therefore, investigation to quantification of C and its
mobility in soils, either horizontally or vertically, is really crucial in lateritic soils, especially when these
marginal soils are going to convert to agricultural land.
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