Gusti Rusmayadi


Deforentation, biodiversity and big water absorbtion issue that increase in the last time has been pithied oil palm estate in Indonesian. Oil palm estate was forced major. This research analyse big water absorbtion issue by oil plam with to do water dinami c in oil palm estate and also rubber estate to compare it through water balance approach. The Thorthwaite & Mather (1957) land water balance modified was used. The oil palm site has water holding capacity at field capacity about 263.0 mm/m, while in rubber site about 563.7 mm/m. Therefore, the oil palm site run -off increases into 309.7 mm, for a while the rubber site only 202.7 mm. At 2.846 ha area of estate, peak discharge of rubber site was about 25.5 m 3s-1, and become about 35.4 m3s-1 or added about 10.11 m3s-1 after those area was opened to oil palm estate. The oil palm culture technical like “rorak”, small dam and to keep conservation area can be preserve water in stream down about 0,45 m3s-1 although in dry season.


Crop water balance, oil palm, rubber, soil water content, discharge

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