Gusti Rusmayadi


Crop model simulation is quantitative tool in relation between plant growth and environment as climate and soil. For example for crop model simulation application is about global climate change because of greenhouse effect. The model has daily resolution and consist of 4 sub models, that are development, growth, water balance and nitrogen. Model input is initialization, parameter and external variable. The external variable is nitrogen and meteorology elements that are rainfall, radiation, air temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity, theothere side the output is development stage, LAI, total biomass, and seed weight. Besides that, the model also simulates nitrogen in soil and nitrogen crop absorption. The accuracy test shows that precise model to predict development stage and seed is 93% and 73%, respectively. The model has been applicator to Jatropha production predicts in crop management like time of sowing, nitrogen fertilizer, radiation depletion effect and climate change effect.


model, simulation, climate change

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