Gusti Rusmayadi, Hj. Rodinah, Heri Sudjatmiko


Comfort environment condition will influence on orchid flowering, and the using of comfort index as indicator for determination climatic space is suitable or not for orchids. The greenhouse covered with insect proof net is designed from the viewpoint of physically controlling the environment of production. Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume Forma Pelaihari each ten is placed inside greenhouse on Mango and Coffee media to observation it’s growth. The roof and wall of greenhouse was placed net with radiation penetration about 25%. Air temperature and relative humidity is measured by a thermo-hygrometer recorder typeTR-72S. Solar radiation is measured by point solar-meter recorded. Media temperature is measured by soil thermometer Weeksler type. The net radiation for the Mango medium is Rn = -539 Wm-2. The net radiation for the Coffee medium is Rn = -541 Wm-2. It indicate that Coffee media has low temperature rather than Mango media. After 6 month in greenhouse, orchid that was placed on mango media can make stalk of flower. I’s mean the climatic space is suitable for orchid to growth.


Greenhouse, Mango and Coffee Media, Net Radiant, Temperature air humidity

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