Cayenne is a kind of high economic value commodity. The inland soil in Central Kalimantan is potential to cultivate cayenne plant. Nevertheless, the characteristic of the peat soil that is poor of nutrients needs good management of soil. The application of swiftlet guano with its interval timing of application in peat soil is hoped to be able to improve the nutrient condition, in order that the need of nutrients is able to be fulfilled. The research was conducted on Parawei Street Menteng Village Jekan Raya subdistrict Palangka Raya Central Kalimantan Province. This research used a randomized bloc k design (RGD) with two factors: the first consisted of 4 levels (p1=5 t ha-1; p2=10 t ha-1; p3=15 t ha-1; p4=20 t ha-1), and the second consisted of 3 levels (m1=the single application/ at the beginning of planting; m2 = double applications/ at the begi nning of planting+3 mst at the beginning of the planting; m3 = three times of applications/ at the beginning of planting+3 mst+6 mst). The data of the growth and the yield of cayenne were analyzed by using analysis of variant based on F -test with the level of 5% and continued by DMRT test with the level of 5%. The results of the research showed that the dose of guano application and its interval timing of application had significant effect on the growth and the yield of cayenne. The combination of 10 t ha-1 guano dose with its single application in rural inland peat soil showed that the growth and the yield of cayenne was relatively higher than the other treatments, but it was not significantly different from the combination of 15 t ha-1 guano dose with its single application in rural inland peat soil. The indicators of the growth and the yield of cayenne resulted from the treatment of 10 t ha -1 with its single application in rural inland peat soil on the age of 12 mst were the total dry weight of plant (19,8 3 g/plant) and the weight of fresh fruit of plant (98,30 fruit).
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