Yanda Yanda Hellina, Umi Salawati, Kamaliah Wilda


The objectives of the research were to analyze the cost, revenue and profit, to analyze the feasibility of toman fish farming in keramba (fish cages) and to find out the problems faced in the toman fish farming in keramba. This research was a survey research. The selection of locations of Daha Selatan and Daha Barat Sub-districts was conducted by purposively because they were the toman fish production centers in Hulu Sungai Selatan Sub-district. The collection of these sub-district samples was conducted by proportional simple random sampling, which collected 28 persons of 277 populations of toman fish farmers consisting of 16 persons in Daha Barat Sub-district and 12 persons in Daha Selatan Sub-district who had keramba in the area of 2 m in length, 1 m in width and 1,5 m in height. It employed analysis of total cost (TC), total revenue (TR) and profit (π) to analyze the cost, revenue and profit while it employed BEP, RCR and Profit Rate (PR), as well as a sensitivity analysis to analyze the feasibility of it, and the field identification and descriptive analysis to find out the problems that occurred in toman fish farming. The results indicated that the cost of toman fish farming in keramba was Rp 12,940,649.40 / year, namely Rp 734,377.98 / year for the flat cost and Rp 12,206,271.43 / year for the variable cost. The revenue was Rp 25,060,317.87 / year and the profit was Rp 12,119,668.45 / year. The toman fish farming in keramba in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency was feasible according to the results of the analysis of BEP which was on the sale of Rp 1,431,747.24 with the volume of 81.48 kg, RCR having a value of 1.937 > 1, PR which was 93.66% greater than the inflation rate of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan Province in 2011/2012 (6.03%) but was very sensitive to the change the variable cost would increase by 10% and the price decrease by 15% which simultaneously resulted in the BEP production volume which increased by 63,24% from 81.48 kg to 133.01 kg and the value of sales which increased by 38.75% from Rp 1,431,747.24 to $ 1,986,594.55, the RCR which decreased by 22.35% from 1.937 to 1.504, and the PR which decreased by 46.17% from 93.66% to 50.42%.


Toman, Karamba, Financial

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