Herliani Hj., Aberani Sulaiman, Zaelani Rahman


Quality the fermented rice bran using yeast as feed ingredients duck tape. Feed with sufficient quality and quantity needed to support growth and increase in livestock production. In addition, the economic aspects of feed is also an issue that siqnifikan, because about 70% of production costs derived from the cost of livestock feed. This condition puts the feed in a strategic position in the world of farming. So in order to make efficient use of feed one of the alternatives is to improve the quality of rice bran as feed ducks. Nutrient content of rice bran is high enough but constrained availability, rancidity, and crude fiber were high enough to be a result of the separation of grain and rice crop. The method used in this study is completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and four replications, so there are 20 times the experiment. This research is DF0 treatment (0% Ragi Tape), DF1 (0.025% Yeast Tape), DF2 (0.05% Yeast Tape), DF3 (0.075% Yeast Tape) and DF4 (0.1% Yeast Tape). Results of analysis of variance showed that the fermentation of rice bran with yeast tape significantly (p> 0.05) to the nutritional quality of the water content, ash content, crude protein content, crude fiber content but had no significant effect (p <0.05) on fat content . The conclusion is the best treatment for the treatment of nutritional quality is DF4 namely Water Content (25.24%), Abu levels (15.64%), Crude protein content (7.19%), Crude Fiber Content (27.09 %), and fat content (7.24%), whereas for the physical quality is DF2 namely color (light brown), odor (Typical Tempe), texture (a bit rough) and, in the form of (A bit lumpy).


Rice bran, fermentation, yeast tape, quality nutrition, physical

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