Elly Lestiani, Edwin Noor Fikri, Dewi Fitriani


Bawang Dayak (Eleutherina americana Merr) is one species of bulbous plants that are much grown in the jungle of Borneo and is commonly used as a traditional herb in the society and because of the active ingredient containing in it such as alcaloids, saponin, triterpenoids, glycosides, tanin, phenolics and flavanoids, Bawang Dayak can be used as raw materials for the drug. Viewed from the active ingredient of being conceived, Bawang dayak then have a potential used as a botanical pesticides. Alcaloid is known as anti microbes and systemically can impede cholisterase of the nerves system of the nematodes. This research was done with four treatments and five replication, so that 20 sample units were acquired in this research, i.e, control (without bawang dayak powder), 5 g of bawang dayak powder, 10 g of bawang dayak powder and 15 g of bawang dayak powder. The result showed that Bawang Dayak powder was able to suppress the attack of Meloidogyne spp with the best dosages respectively 15 g, 10 g and 5 g.


Bawang Dayak Powder, Meloidogyne spp, Tomato

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