Mukhlis Mukhlis


Backswamp land contains mineral soil that can be hard at dry season. This conditon is not suitable for vegetable plant. Therefore, to increase plant productivity at dry season in this land can be done through soil moisture and nutrient management. This research aim to find the technology of soil moisture and nutrient management that can increase the productivity of chilly at dry season in backswamp land. The experiment was conducted in Tawar Experimental Station, Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, S. Kalimantan Province, at dry season of 2009. The treatments were : A (minimum tillage, mulch 6.0 t/ha, 67.5 kg N/ha, 90 kg P2O5/ha, 100 kg K2O/ha, cow dung 2.5 t/ha, and lime 1.0 t/ha); B (no tillage, mulch 6.0 t/ha, 67.5 kg N/ha, 90 kg P2O5/ha, 100 kg K2O/ha, cow dung 2.5 t/ha, and lime 1.0 t/ha); and Farmer Practice (no tollage, compound NPK fertilizer 140 kg/ha, and cow dung 1.0 t/ha. The experiment was arranged in randomized completely block design with four replications. The result showed that the treatment of minimum tillage or no tillage, mulch 6.0 t/ha, 67.5 kg N/ha, 90 kg P2O5/ha, 100 kg K2O/ha, cow dung 2.5 t/ha, and lime 1.0 t/ha could increase soil moisture, pH, and nutrient available with the yield of chilly as much as 12.32 and 13.90 t/ha, respectively.  This yield increased 30.32 - 46.33% compared to the yield of farmer practice (9.46 t/ha).


Chilly, soil moisture, soil nutrient, backswamp land

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