Wahida Annisa, Ani Susilawati, Achmadi Jumberi


Pineapple (Ananas comusus L.) is one of fruit plant that can grow well in acid sulphate soil. The aim of research was to study the effect of organic and potassium fertilizer on growth, yield and ascorbic acid of pineapple. The research was conducted in experimental station of Belandean, South Kalimantan during rainy season 2003/04 and dry season 2004. There were two factors of treatment, the first factor was fertilizer dosage of manure (0 and 60 gplant-1) and second factor was dosage of potassium (0, 5, 10, 14 and 19 g plant-1). Treatment was replicated in 3 times. Paun variety was used in this research. The results could showed that application 10 g plant-1 potassium fertilizer with 60 g plant-1 manure could increase the growth of plant, i.e. it’s height, diameter and leaf wide could reach 87,3 cm, 106,75 cm and 8.75 cm respectinely. The yield such as weight could increase up to 5,25 and ascorbic acid content of pineapple from 45.54 mg to 58.66 mg every 100g fruit.


Acid Sulphate Soil, Manure, Pineapple, Potassium

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