Ervina Agustiyanti, Bambang Fredickus, Joko Purnomo


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of interaction, independent influence and to determine the combination of organic mulch with spacing on the growth and yield of edamame plants; 2) Knowing the independent effect of organic mulch and spacing of each on the growth and yield of edamame plants in ultisol soil. This research was conducted on the land belonging to the Chairman of the Maju Bersama Farmer Group, Tungkaran Village, Banjar Regency with a completely randomized design (CRD). The mulch factor (M) consists of 5 types, namely without mulch (m0), reed mulch (m1), rice husk mulch (m2), sawdust mulch (m3), and oil palm empty bunch mulch (m4). While the spacing factor (J) consists of 4 levels, namely 20 x 12 cm (j1), 20 x 14 cm (j2), 25 x 12 cm (j3), 25 x 14 cm (j4). Each was repeated three times in order to obtain 60 experimental units. The results showed that the interaction of organic mulch and spacing on the number of branches per plant had a significant effect, whereas for plant height 49 DAS, the number of filled pods per plant, weight of 100 fresh pods and yield of fresh pods per ha had no significant effect. The provision of mulch for oil palm empty bunches (m4) showed the largest type of filled pods per plant and the weight of 100 pods. With respect to the weight of 100 pods, the spacing of 25 x 14 cm was not different from 25 x 12 cm and the yield was heavier than the spacing of 20 x 12 cm and 20 x 14 cm.


Edamame; spacing; mulch

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