Yudhi Ahmad Nazari, Zainul A., Yuyun Rahmawati, Subandana Subandana, Marjuni Marjuni, Eprima H., Aidi Noor, Rina Dirgahayu Ningsih


Chilli (Capsicum frutescens L.) is a horticultural plant from the Solanaceae family which not only has high economic value, but also because of its fruit which has complete combination of color, taste and nutritional value. In order to maintain and guarantee the the preservation of germplasm related to the superiority and quality of Tiung tanjung chili and to increase farmers income through the development of chilli, it is necessary to identify the Tiung Tanjung variety as a local superior variety that can be used as an alternative to national superior variety. The method used is the observation test method carried out in farmers fields by direct observation of plant characteristics which include the morphological characteristics of chilli variety plents.  Observations were made on a population of 24 chilli variety plants, including the main data for compiling plant descriptions, namely plant qualitative and quantitative data including production and yield quality as well as other superior characteristics and observations of supporting data.  Based on the results of observations on the main characteristics and the results of the truth test, The Tiung Tanjung variety has potential to become a national superior variety.


tiung tanjung chili, superior variety


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