Moh Zely Fahruddin, Akhmad Rizalli Saidy, Andi Mizwar, Badaruddin Badaruddin


Changes in environmental conditions have a tendency to increase in line with the increase in the area of land cover converted through the land clearing process for mining activities. one of the indicators of successful mining environmental management is the erosion control factor. In theory, open pit mining will have very large erosion due to damage to soil aggregation and high interaction with rainwater. The research method used is descriptive quantitative by comparing the values of the slope angles of the disposal slopes under different conditions, as well as knowing the magnitude of the erosion rate in the study area by calculating the erosivity of rain, the erodibility of soil (% sand, % clay, % dust), soil structure value, soil permeability value, slope length and slope, plant management value and soil and water conservation value as well as classifying the level of erosion hazard. Referring to the level of erosion hazard that has been obtained, it can be illustrated that the factors of rain erosivity, soil erodibility, length and slope of the slope and plant management actions as well as land conservation affect the level of erosion hazard while the dominant factors are rain erosivity, soil erodibility, length and slope and vegetation cover. The erosion rate at the study site is strongly influenced by erosivity, soil erodibility, slope length and slope, cover crop management and land conservation factors. Classification of erosion hazard level classes at the study site consists of categories: II – S (moderate), III – B (severe) and IV – B (very severe).


Erosion; slope; Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)


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