Dian Fitriani


Soap is a cleaning product made by a chemical reaction between the bases with fatty acids. one additional ingredient in the process of making soap is herbal ingredients such as leaves of buas-buas (Premna cordifolia, Linn). Leaves buas-buas contain substances flavonoid, saponins and essential oils that have antimicrobial activity. based on these compounds, the leaves of wild-wild has potential ly for use as an additional herbal ingredients for herbal soaps. The aims of this study are to make transparent soap with leaf extract of buas-buas as additional ingredients, analyze the herb soap with standard quality parameters such as pH, water content, foam stability, hardness,  the number of free alkali test, and knowing soap antifungal activity against Candida albicans. This study was an experimental study using two herbal formulations 5% and 15%. the soap-making process carried out by the method of melting and pouring process. Test the quality of soap herb products includes pH, water content, foam stability, hardness,  the number of free alkali test, and knowing soap antifungal activity against Candida albicans. The results of the analysis were then compared to the quality standard SNI 06-3532-1994 for soap making. The results of the test the quality of herbal soap products with buas-buas leaf extract showed that the herbal soap with the addition of wild-wild leaf extract has the characteristics meet the quality standards of SNI 06-3532-1994. The concentration of wild-wild leaf extract used influence to decrease transparency properties of soap. The higher the concentration of leaf extract wild-wild, diminishing transparency of soap products. Based on the antifungal test showed that the soap products containing buas-buas leaf extract inhibited the growth of Candida albicans. 


Antifungal, buas-buas, transparent soap


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20527/es.v13i1.3510

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