One of the impacts of reclamation of swamps is poison substances in the water channels, which can cause to pyrite oxidation, sedimentation and accumulation of toxic substances in secondary channels. The reclamation channel unit in Semangat Karya Village has a water pH of ± 3 and has the iron level of 4.95 mg / l. Based on South Kalimantan Provincial Governor Regulation Year 2007, pH grade and iron concentration are over the quality standard, while the water is consumed by the residents for everyday intentions. One of the technologies that are applied to increase the pH and to minimize the concentration of iron (Fe) is constructed wetland with the horizontal sub-surface flow (CW-HSSF). The objectives of this research were to study the dynamics of pH and Fe in the media acid sulfate soils mixed with organic fertilizer (bokashi) 10% at CW-HSSF system using Purun Tikus (Eleocharis dulcis) and Kalakai (Stenochlaena palustris). The conclusion of this research indicated that pH value and absorption of Fe in CW-HSSF using Purun Tikus (Eleocharis dulcis) was better than Kalakai (Stenochlaena palustris).
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