This study aims to determine the study of the effectiveness of toman fish (Channa micropeltes) gel extract on healing burns of mice (Mus musculus). This research was conducted for 4 months, starting from September 2018 to January 2019. This study used the experimental method and data analysis using a completely randomized design with 4 children and three replications: treatment A as control, treatment B giving toman fish extract gel (Channa micropeltes ) 1.5%, treatment C 3% and treatment D 4.5%. The results showed that on day 4, day 8 and day 12 showed that the administration of gel extract had a significant effect on changes in the length of burns of mice (Mus musculus) (P>0.05). In vivo test results on male mice with toman fish gel extract can capture the healing of burns in mice.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20527/es.v15i2.6948
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