Meta Widyayanti, Sri Cahyo Wahyono, Totok Wianto


ABSTRACT: Iron ore are boulders containing of iron deposition, which consists of Fe
and the rest is composed by other minerals. There are 15 locations of iron ore in South
Kalimantan, one of them is Gunung Melati. Iron mineralization is formed by the contact
of metasomatik-sedimentary volcanic rocks, the pyroclastic rocks series. The depth’s
potency of iron ore is obtained from measurements with a 3D geoelectric method of
pole-pole configuration that indicate iron ore’s location in 3.20 to 10.1 m depth, and 27.1
to 63.4 m with resistivity values of iron ore which has been measured in 3167-3847
Ohm.meter and the potency of iron ore was spread unevenly in large chunks of stone.
The samples test with XRD and SEM EDS is done to determine the composition and
the effect of washing enrichment process. XRD test results showed the dominance of
the mineral hematite (Fe2O3) of sample 1 is 75% and sample 2 at 69%. After the
enrichment washing, compound’s phase turned into magnetite (Fe3O4). Sample 1
which had been washed with water was change into 77% and 83% after enrichment
washing with HCl, while sample 2 were washed with water to 70%, washed with a 79%
HCl. The test results with SEM EDS showed the increased levels of smoothness of
surface structure and Fe’s level. Samples in sequence from start to washing with water
then HCl Fe’s level is at 37.62%; 49.47% and 55.33%. The comparison of Fe content
from the test results with the relative age based on stratigraphy showed that relatively
older sample 1 has a Fe content greater than sample 2 relatively younger age.
Keywords: Iron ore, geoelectric, XRD, SEM EDS, stratigraphy

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