Abstrak: Nowadays, green house gas was increased which caused air temperature of
surface arise, one of them is carbon dioxide (CO2), CO2 is part of green house gas which
is strong enough to absorb infrared wave, but if CO2 concentration is too high it would
make earth warming at the surface. The objective of the research is to made air
temperature changes modeling ( ), air temperature modeling ( ) in 2004-2010
based on CO2 concentration trend and also to predict air temperature modeling 2011-
2014 in Kalimantan Selatan. The research is literature study by using ( ) modeling.
The modeling is made to known value of air temperature changes modeling since 1750
based on CO2 concentration trend which used to modeling air temperature ( ) in
2004-2010 based on CO2 concentration trend and also its predict. Data that was used is
air temperature of observation in 7 point in 2004-2010 and CO2 concentration data of
Indonesia in 2004-2010. Result of the research shown that air temperature changes
modeling in 2004-2010 based on CO2 concentration trend was changed since 1750 is
about 1,53-1,68ºC, model shown that air temperature modeling in 2004-2010 based on
CO2 concentration trend about 26,72-26,77ºC and air temperature modeling in 2011-
2014 based on CO2 concentration trend about 26,772–26,795ºC.
Keywords: Temperature, Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Kalimantan Selatan
Full Text:
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