Karakterisasi Mineral Magnetik Batuan Peridotit Daerah Awang Bangkal Kabupaten Banjar Kalimantan Selatan Menggunakan Metode XRD dan King

Shinta Khalidah, Sudarningsih Sudarningsih, Ibrahim Sota


Study the nature of magnetism in rocks that has been carried out at the
research of peridotite rocks in Awang Bangkal Banjar Regency has not finished,
still need to do further research. More specific details of research has been done is
about the characterization of the magnetic minerals in peridotite rocks in the area
Awang Bangkal, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan, which aims to identify the
type of magnetic minerals, characterize magnetic minerals including multidomain,
single domain or pseudo single domain and the estimate magnetic mineral’s grain
size. This study uses XRD test to find out the existing content of magnetic minerals
in peridotite samples, the method of King (the ratio between the magnetic
susceptibility with the anhysteretic susceptibility) and decay Anhysteretic
Remanent Magnetization (ARM) to estimate the grain size of magnetic minerals in
peridotite samples. XRD results show that the magnetic minerals contained in the
peridotite samples are hematite and magnetite. The ARM decaying curve showed
that the estimated peridotite rocks in the research are multidomain to pseudosingle
domain and the size are big. While the distribution of grain size between
below 0.1 μm up to ≈ 5 μm.


peridotite, grain size, magnetic mineral, x-ray difraction, anhysteretic, susceptibility.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20527/flux.v9i2.6098

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