Coastal women play an important role in supporting the creation of value-added fishery products that become the main work of her husband (Istiqomah, 2015). The role of women in the coastal district of Sidoarjo as the wife of fishermen, the wife of the fishpond owner, and the wife of the fish processor; Proven to be able to move the economy on the coast by processing and adding value to the fishery resources.
The purpose of this study is to find out how big the contribution of women to create economic empowerment in coastal district of Sidoarjo from catch fishery sector, aquaculture fishery and processed. The research was conducted in the village of Banjar Kemuning Sedati sub-district, which is the center of catch fishery, in Sawohan village, Buduran sub-district as a center of aquaculture, and Penatar Sewu village, Tanggulangin sub-district as a processed fishery center; During the year 2016 -2017.
The research method is terrestris survey by using questionnaire tool. Data were obtained from closed interviews on selected respondents intentionally (purposive sampling) based on information from local fisheries figures. Survey results are analyzed by using shift share method compiled with Ishikawa Effect based on Balanced Score Cards.
The results show that women are able to increase income and economic empowerment of their
families. The contribution of women to the increase in family income is very fantastic ranging from
42% to 115% compared to if women in the family do not make productive business. The economic participation of women has proven to be able to improve the educational achievement of their children better and wider thinking. Husbands who work well together in terms of productive business wit h his wife can open jobs for others, and have a wide opportunity to develop other productive businesses for husbands during the season there is no fish.
Wanita pesisir memegang peran penting dalam mendukung penciptaan nilai tambah hasil perikanan yang menjadi pekerjaan utama suaminya (Istiqomah, 2015). Peranan wanita di pesisir Kabupaten Sidoarjo sebagai istri nelayan, istri pendega tambak, dan istri pengolah ikan; terbukti mampu menggerakkan perekonomian di pesisir dengan mengolah serta memberikan nilai tambah pada sumberdaya perikanan.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi wanita dalam rangka menciptakan keberdayaan ekonomi di pesisir kabupaten Sidoarjo dari sektor perikanan tangkap,perikanan budidaya maupun olahan. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Banjar Kemuning kecamatan Sedati yang merupakan sentra perikanan tangkap, di desa Sawohan kecamatan Buduran sebagai sentra perikanan budidaya, dan desa Penatar Sewu kecamatan Tanggulangin sebagai sentra perikanan olahan; selama tahun 2016 – 2017.
Metode penelitian adalah survey terestris dengan menggunakan alat bantu kuesioner. Data diperoleh dari wawancara tertutup terhadap responden yang dipilih dengan sengaja (purposive sampling) berdasarkan informasi tokoh perikanan setempat. Hasil survey dianalisa dengan matrik shift share yang dikompilasikan dengan Ishikawa Effect berbasis Balanced Score Cards.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wanita mampu meningkatkan pendapatan dan keberdayaan ekonomi keluarganya. Sumbangsih wanita terhadap peningkatan pendapatan keluarga sangat fantastis berkisar 42% s/d 115% dibandingkan jika wanita dalam keluarga tidak melakukan usaha produktif. Partisipasi wanita secara ekonomi terbukti mampu meningkatkan capaian taraf pendidikan anak- anaknya lebih baik dan wawasan berfikir yang lebih luas. Suami yang bekerja sama dalam wujud usaha produktif bersama istri dan/atau wanita dalam keluarganya dapat membuka lapangan pekerjaan bagi orang lain, serta berpeluang luas mengembangkan usaha produktif lainnya. Usaha produktif yang dikembangkan istri dan wanita dalam keluarga nelayan di Kabupaten Sidoarjo sangat membantu suami pada saat musim paceklik ikan.
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