Proximate Composition of Three-Spot Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus Pall) Crispy Using Instant Flavoring

Hafni Rahmawati, Siti Aisyah


Three-spot gourami is the most important fish commodity in East Borneo. The fish was only processed into fried salted fish and fermented fish such as wadi and bekasam until right now. The research of three-spot gouramy was only limited to fish salting and drying. One of the fish diversification processed was frying presto product that called fish crispy that has crisp and crunchy chacarteristics so its comfort to consume, adding with instant flavor (cheese, barbeque and sweet spicy) to increase product taste. The research on the fish crispy panelists acceptance with the addition of instant flavor produced the highest color and texture in cheese flavoring while the highest aroma and flavor value was in barbeque flavoring. The proximate composition of the product has not been analyzed. This study aims to learn the proximate composition and calcium of fish crispy using different instant flavoring. The treatment consisted of O (without seasoning), A (15% instant cheese flavoring), B (15% instant barbeque flavoring) and C (15% sweet spicy flavoring). Based on the proximate test, the treatment has a different effect on water, protein, fat and ash content. The B (barbeque) treatment is the best where the highest protein value is 58.24%.


Ikan sepat rawa merupakan ikan komoditas penting Kalimantan Selatan namun hasil olahannya di pasaran hanya sebatas produk ikan kering dan hasil fermentasi seperti wadi dan bekasam. Begitu pula dengan pengembangan produk ikan sepat rawa melalui penelitian masih sebatas ikan asin. Salah satu diversifikasi olahan ikan sepat adalah produk presto goreng atau crispy dimana ikan menjadi renyah dan garing sehingga mudah dikonsumsi, ditambah dengan perisa instant (keju, barbeque dan pedas manis) semakin meningkatkan citarasa produk. Penelitian penerimaan panelis terhadap ikan sepat rawa presto goreng dengan penambahan perisa instant menghasilkan warna dan tekstur tertinggi pada perisa keju sedangkan nilai aroma dan rasa tertinggi pada perisa barbeque. Komposisi proksimat produk tersebut belum dianalisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari komposisi proksimat dan kalsium ikan sepat rawa crispy menggunakan jenis perisa instant berbeda. Perlakuan penelitian yaitu O (tanpa bumbu), A (15% perisa instant keju), B (15% perisa instant barbeque) dan C (15% perisa instant pedas manis). Berdasarkan uji proksimat, perlakuan memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap kadar air, protein, lemak dan abu. Perlakuan B (barbeque) adalah yang terbaik dimana nilai proteinnya tertinggi yaitu 58,24%. 



proksimat, perisa instant,ikan sepat rawa, proximate, instant flavor, three-spot gourami

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