EFIKASI RUTE VAKSIN Aeromonas hydrophila ASB-01 PADA IKAN GABUS (Ophiocephalus striatus)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rute pemberian vaksin A.hydrophila ASB-01 yang efektif untuk mengendalikan MAS pada ikan gabus. Efektivitas rute vaksinasi dievaluasi melalui titer antibodi, sintasan, RPS (relative percent survival) dan RWK (Rerata waktu kematian). Penelitian ini terdiri dari 5 perlakuan (vaksinasi secara rendaman (R), oral (O), injeksi intramuscular (IM), injeksi intraperitoneal (IP) dan Kontrol (PBS pH 7,0) dengan 3 ulangan. Dosis vaksinasi sebanyak 107 sel/ml. Vaksinasi booster dilakukan setelah 14 hari kemudian, dosisnya sama dengan vaksinasi awal. Selanjutnya, 14 hari berikutnya ikan ditantang dengan A.hydrophila ASB-01. Untuk memperoleh data titer antibodi dilakukan pengambilan darah pada saat sebelum divaksinasi, sesaat sebelum vaksinasi booster dan 14 hari setelah vaksinasi booster. Ikan tantang diamati selama 14 hari untuk memperoleh data sintasan, RPS dan RWK. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa semua rute pemberian vaksin dapat meningkatkan titer antibodi, akan tetapi titer antibodi tertinggi diperoleh dari ikan yang divaksinasi secara injeksi. Sintasan gabus yang divaksinasi secara IM (84,47%), IP (82,20%), R (42,27%), O (42,20%) dan kontrol (13,13 %). RPS gabus yang divaksinasi melalui rute IM (82,08%), IP (79,46%), R (33,38%), O (33,31%), sedangkan RWK gabus melalui rute IP (3,63 hari), IM (79,46 3,57 hari), R (2,46 hari), O (1,85 hari) dan kontrol (1,03 hari). Rute vaksinasi yang efektif adalah melalui injeksi.
This study aims to determine the vaccine A.hydrophila ASB-01 is effective for the control of MAS on snakehead fish. Effectiveness of vaccination was evaluated through the antibody titer, survival, RPS (relative percent survival) and RWK (mean time of death). The study consisted of 5 treatments (immersion vaccination (R), oral (O), intramuscular injection (IM), intraperitoneal injection (IP) and control (PBS pH 7.0) with 3 replications. Vaccination doses were 107 cells / ml. Booster vaccination after 14 days later. Dose is equal to the initial vaccination. Furthermore, the next day 14 fish were challenged with A.hydrophila ASB-01. To obtain data on antibody titer blood draw done at the time before being vaccinated, shortly before the booster vaccination and 14 days after the booster vaccination. Challenged fish were observed for 14 days to obtain data on survival, RPS and RWK. The result showed that all these vaccines may increase the antibody titer, but the highest antibody titers obtained from fish vaccinated injection. Survival rates were vaccinated IM (84.47%), IP (82.20%), R (42.27%), O (42.20%) and controls (13.13%). RPS to IM (82.08%), IP (79.46%), R (33.38%), O (33.31%), while RWK through the IP (3.63 days), IM (79.46 3.57 days), R (2.46 days), O (1.85 days) and controls (1.03 days). Effective vaccination route is through injection.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20527/fs.v3i6.1143
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