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Sampah Elektronik

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E-waste has become a problem because of its rapid growth and there is no specific regulation regarding the handling and management of electronic waste. Along with the rapid development of technology and information, it causes changes in people's lifestyles to keep up with the latest technological developments, thus affecting the life of electronic equipment. This study aims to determine the weight of electronic waste generation in Samarinda Ulu District. The research was conducted in Samarinda Ulu District with a population of 131,774 people. This study used direct interview techniques to respondents using the stratified random sampling method. Total sampling from housing is 183 families with the classification of permanent, semi-permanent and non-permanent houses and 74 samples of non-residential waste consisting of schools, shops, offices, hotels, markets and restaurants. The results of this study show that the potential electronic waste generated per person per year for the Samarinda Ulu District area is 3.01 kg/person/year. The potential for non-residential electronic waste generation in schools is 0.01 kg/m2/day, offices are 0.13 kg/m2/day, shops are 0.60 kg/m2/day, restaurants are 0.18 kg/m2/day, markets are 0.01 kg/m2/day and hotels are 0.02 kg/m2/day. The handling of electronic waste by the community in Samarinda Ulu Subdistrict includes 31% disposal, 28% storage, 28% sale and 13% repair. Based on the research results, the recommendation scheme for electronic waste management is carried out using the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) method where producers are required to manage the goods they have produced.



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