Nur Robbi, Ena Marlina, Mochammad Basjir


The main cause of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels that cause greenhouse effect. Therefore it needs alternative energy or a new innovation aimed at environmental conservation and saver the use of fossil fuels in vehicles. One alternative is the use of hydrogen fuel. To obtain hydrogen gas can be done by way of breaking down the compound water (H2O) into (HHO) or Brown's Gas through electrolysis process with the help of direct electrical current. The purpose of the study is to know the performance of the generator HHO is produced with a wide variety of cell electrode distance that is 3 mm, 4 mm and 5 mm. Results indicate that the greater the distance between the cell, the power required will be even greater. The greater the distance between the cell then the efficiency and the resulting small flow rate.


Electrolysis, HHO, Dry cell, Electroda

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