Gumono Gumono, Syamsul Hadi, Bambang Irawan


The welding is the process of connecting two metals, where factors that
influence are current, voltage, plate thickness, gap shape and heating temperature
of the electrode. The heating of this electrode aims to stabilize the arc arising
during welding.
The objective of the study was to determine the maximum hardness of low
carbon steel welding with E 7018, with temperature of electrode storage at
temperature 50, 75 and 100 ° C. Determine the maximum change in the hardness
of the welded by using heated electrodes preheated to an initial temperature of 50,
75 and 100 ° C. Compare its hardness to the standard. The specimen-making
method is based on JIS Z 3121, further data are compared against the standard.
The result of maximum hardness value for slit I is 175HV and for slit V
264HV in weld area with temperature 75 ° C, hardness change of 33HV for
temperature 100 °C.


carbon steel, electrode, preheating, hardness, vickers test.

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