Firda Herlina, M. Suprapto, Siswanto Siswanto


PT. Dock & amp; perkapalan kodja nautical ( persero ) shipyard
banjarmasin is a company that move in ship industry, development for
shipbuilding industry large enough aims to meet the needs of countries will ships
as a country maritime .In doing their activities, company got a job as the
construction of ships new, work a serviceman a ship etc. The field of that is
associated with welding, welding identical also with a flaw and fraud especially
on the part affected a serviceman .
Testing impermeability a tank were done in order to the examination of the
possibility of mismanagement of a connection is welding and why ensure the
quality of welds, an adequate number of qualified to leakage in the connection las
can be seen from that there was an indication who occuring when testing done in
the same manner .There are several a method of testing, and among the companies
were a method of lime oil , water test and a vacuum test drives in .Chalk test
drives in / lime oil is a method of welding stability testing traditional tank , water
pressure test drives in is a method of welding stability testing a tank by the
principle of the compressed air and a vacuum test drives in also made use of of the
nature of soapy water , only on the implementation of the activity a method of
testing is provided by way of an instrument a vacuum box shaped with one of the
sides open and one of the sides made from the materials of glass .
In the process of testing kekedapan welding a method of the most accurate
in a reading of a point to leakage in connection las that is a method of water
pressure test/the compressed air with flattened flattened a reading of a point
leakage is more than 1 in any its testing. A method of tests need time in at least
the process that is a method of vacuum test and water pressure test.Testing first
method vacuum test 1.15 hours and water pressure test by 0.47 hours. Testing
second method vacuum test 1.30 hours and water pressure test 1.20 hours. Testing
third method vacuum test 0.40 hours and water pressure test 0.50 hours. Testing
fourth method vacuum test 1.15 hours and water pressure test 1.20 hours. Testing
fifth method vacuum test .30 hours and water pressure test 0.37 hours. Testing
sixth method vacuum test 1.40 hours and water pressure test 1.30 hours.


tank, welding, vacuum test, water pressure test, leakage

Full Text:



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