PENGGUNAAN KAYU BAKAR SEBAGAI SUMBER ENERGI ALTERNATIF DI MAMBERAMO HULU, PAPUA Fuel Wood Utilization as alternative energy resource in Mamberamo Hulu of Papua

Agustina Y.S. Arobaya, Maria J. Sadsoeitoeboen, Freddy Pattiselanno


Timber utilization for households was varies.  One form of utilization is for fuel wood. Study on timber used for fuel wood was conducted in Dabra of Mamberamo, Papua. The results indicated that wood was utilized based on commercial and non-commercial status of timber. Based on the interview to 49 households, we found that six timber species were most commonly used by locals for fuel wood. Among six timber species, three were acknowledged as commercial, while the other three were non-commercial timber. It is also found that “kayu besi” (Intsia bijuga) has the highest percentage among others that used for fuel wood. 

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