Pengaruh Perceived Organizational Support (POS) Terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) Dengan Affective Commitment Sebagai Variabel Pemediasi Pada Karyawan Perum Bulog Divre Kalsel Wilayah Banjarmasin

Dina Rosiana



This study aims to (1) identify and analyze the effect of  Perceived Organizational Support (POS) to Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB), (2) identify and analyze the effect of POS to Affective Commitment, (3) identify and analyze the effect of Affective Commitment to OCB, and (4) identify and analyze the Affective Commitment mediate the effect between POS on OCB in Perum BULOG Divre Kalsel wilayah Banjarmasin. This research uses explanatory research and data collection techniques using questionnaires. That the samples in this studied are 61 employees of Perum BULOG Divre Kalsel wilayah Banjarmasin. The results of analysis of the four Hyphotheses prove that (1) POS has positive and significant effect on the OCB, (2) POS has positive and significant effect on the Affective Commitment, (3) Affective Commitment has positive and significant effect on the OCB, and (4) with path analysis indicate Affective Commitment not as a mediate between the POS to OCB in Perum BULOG Divre Kalsel wilayah Banjarmasin.


Keywords: Perceived Organizational Support, Affective Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour.


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