Novirina Hendrasarie, Rani Prihantini


Air tanah atau biasa disebut air sumur umumnya terdapat ion besi (Fe) dan mangan (Mn) bervalensi dua secara bersamaan. Menurut hasil uji awal air sumur didapatkan parameter besi (Fe) 3,66 mg/L dan mangan (Mn) 2,75 mg/L. Fe dan Mn dalam air jika melebihi baku mutu (Fe 1 mg/L dan Mn 0,5 mg/L) dapat menyebabkan kekeruhan, korosi dan, bersifat neurotoksik. Teknologi yang umum digunakan untuk menyisihkan Fe dan Mn adalah adsorpsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan sampah plastik sebagai adsorben dalam menyisihkan parameter Fe, Mn dan, kekeruhan secara fixed bed column. Pada penelitian pendahuluan rasio Cn/Co 0,05 berada tepat pada waktu 40 menit dan jenuh pada 120 menit. Pada penelitian ini debit ditetapkan 10 ml/menit, kemudian digunakan variasi jenis plastik (PET, PVC, BPA free, LDPE) dan berat adsorben (60, 70, 80 gram). Dari hasil penelitian ini jenis plastik PET paling optimal menyisihkan Fe 94%, Mn 94% dan, kekeruhan 89% dengan berat 80 gram. Nilai kapasitas serap (qo) dalam pemodelan Thomas Fe 0,146 mg/g dan Mn 0,134 mg/g.


Kata kunci: Adsorpsi, air sumur, kandungan besi dan mangan, pemodelan thomas, pirolisis, sampah plastik.



Water is one of the natural resources that has a very function important for human life, besides that water is also an important component of the environment for the survival of humans and other living things. Ground water or commonly called well water generally contains iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) ions with two valves simultaneously. According to the results of the initial test well water parameters Fe 3.66 mg/L and Mn 2.75 mg/L. Fe and Mn in water if they exceed the quality standard (Fe 1 mg/L and Mn 0.5 mg/L) can cause turbidity, corrosion and, are neurotoxic. The technology commonly used to remove Fe and Mn is adsorption. This study aims to utilize plastic waste as an adsorbent in removing Fe, Mn and, turbidity parameters by fixed bed column. In the preliminary study the 0.05 Cn/Co ratio was precisely at 40 minutes and was saturated at 120 minutes. In this study the discharge is set at 10 ml/min, then variations in the type of plastic (PET, PVC, BPA free, LDPE) and weight of the adsorbent (60, 70, 80 grams) are used. From the results of this study the most optimal type of PET plastic is to set aside 94% Fe, Mn 94% and 89% turbidity with a weight of 80 grams. The value of absorption capacity (qo) in modeling Thomas Fe is 0.146 mg/g and Mn 0.134 mg/g.


Keywords: Adsorption, iron and manganese, pyrolysis of plastic waste, thomas modeling, well water.

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