Aesthetcs is Truth on Being (Art According to Martn Heidegger)
access of to Being. To this end he turned to art, especting it to make
precisely Such access possible. His principal writing on aesthetics in the
essay “The Origin of the Work of Art” (1935-1936). Kant, when writing
on aesthetics, had investigated aesthetic experience, that is to say the
effect of works of art on the subject. In opposition to this, Heidegger
emphasized in his essay the autonomous value of a work of art.
According to Heidegger a work of aer most most not be misunderstood
as a thing with distinctive characteristics of its own such as, for instance,
the fact that it depicts reality particulary well or particulary beautifully.
On the contrary it reveals the general nature of thing, thereby opening
up a view of the world for us.
Keyword: art, aesthetics, being and time, heidegger
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)References
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