Pengendalian Penyakit Diplodia Pada Tanaman Jeruk Dengan Bubur California dan Campuran Antara Insektisida, Fungisida & Zat Pengatur Tumbuh
Citrus plants (Citrus sp.) Currently experiencing major problems with the presence of diplodia
disease both wet and dry. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of California
porridge and mixture of Microthiol, Primavit, Sidametrin and Ridomil against diplodia skin
disease in Siam Banjar orange plant in Batola district. This research was conducted
experimentally using Completely Randomized Design. Based on the results obtained by
controlling diplodia disease with no treatment (control), california slurry, and the mixture
between pesticides and growth regulators did not have a significant difference. The largest
average yield reduction was on the california slurry treatment of 3.15 cm2, followed by the
second largest reduction area by a mixture of pesticides and growth regulators by 2.49 cm2 and
the widest reduction area of attack by no pesticied (control) of 1.39 cm2
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