Abdul Gafur


Nematode community structures of peaty soils have been studied for the use of soil nematodes
as biological indicator of soil ecological condition and biodiversity. Taxon diversity, trophic
group composition, life strategy groups, and guilds of nematodes were compared between
natural and fire-disturbed locations in a peatland in Gambut Subdistrict, South Kalimantan.
Comparison was also made between the first and the second 10 cm of soils. The results
indicated that natural and fire-disturbed peaty soils did not differ significantly in total and per
taxon nematode densities and diversity index. However, a predictor species richness suggested
that natural sites have higher species richness. The two site conditions did not differ in
compositions of trophic and life strategy groups, leading to a similarity in their maturity
indexes. However, the two site conditions showed differences in nematode guild proportions. In
natural condition the first and second 10 cm of soil did not differ in nematode composition,
while in fire-disturbed sites the upper part of the soil hosted a higher density of nematodes. The
present study implies that optimizations in soil sampling and nematode extraction are required
before the use of soil nematodes as biological indicator of soil condition can be achieved in any
particular area.

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