A research was conducted in order to investigate the effects of supplementing methionine
and lysine as carnitin precursor in feed on the performances and fat contain of broiler chickens.
Completely randomized design, 4 treatments and 4 replications (total 32 male chickens) was
utilized in the experiment. Control feed (meet NRC recommendation) and water were provided ad
lib during experiment (43-days). Treatments used in the experiment started at 22-days of age were
R0 (Control Feed), R1 (Control Feed + carnitin precursor type A (L-HCl Lysin 0,50 % + DLMethionine
0,57 %)), R2 (Control Feed + carnitin precursor B (L-HCl Lysine 2 % + DLMethionine
0,57 %)), and R3 (Control Feed + carnitin precursor C (L-HCl Lysin 1,50 % + DLMethionine
0,19 %)). Data were gathered as parameters including body weight, growth rate, feed
consumption, feed conversion, carcass percentage, abdominal fat, and cholesterol contain. Data
was analyzed used ANOVA, then DMRT. Results show that supplementing methionine and
lysine as karnitin precursor in feed affected increasing body weight and growth rate, decreasing
feed consumption, abdominal fat and cholesterol contain, but it did not affect feed conversion and
carcass yield. Based on results, the treatment R2 carnitin precursor B can be recommended as best
choice feed for reducing abdominal fat and cholesterol contain but still produce high carcass yield
and feed efficiency.
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