Density and biodiversity of soil nematodes in a discarded coal-mining site in Cempaka
Subdistrict, Banjar District, South Kalimantan Province, were studied in search for optimum
depth of soil samples taken for nematode community data. Three locations reflecting categories of
conditions were distinguishable in the study area: natural, partially damaged, and damaged. From
each location soil samples were taken up to 20 cm depth which were subsequently separated into
0-10 and 10-20 cm. Comparisons of soil nematode density and biodiversity were made between
the two depth and the three locations. Statistical analyses suggested that natural location had the
highest density of nematodes, followed by the partially damaged and damaged locations. This is
parallel to differences among the three conditions in organic-C and pH. However, no significant
difference in nematode density was found between the two depths of soil. Sample-based and
individual-based species accumulation curves showed that more species were found with more
samples and more individuals observed, and upper (0-10 cm) layer has more species than lower
(10-20 cm) part of soils. Nevertheless, as the accumulation curves did not reach their asymptotes,
more than 10 samples and 600 individuals are required to obtain more accurate information
regarding soil nematode biodiversity in the study area.
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