Nematoda Tanah Mononchida pada Kebun Durian (Durio sp.) di Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan
This research was conducted to identify soil nematode mononchids on durian rhizosphere in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. Soil samples were taken at a depth of 0-20 cm around the rhizosphere of durian from two location: Kebun Durian (Meek Farm), Guntung Manggis, Landasan Ulin District and Gotong Royong II street of Mentaos, Banjarbaru Utara District, Banjarbaru. Nematode were extracted by a filter tray method, killed using hot formaline 4%; mounted on permanent slides and identified to genera using a microscope with a magnification up to 1000x. The results showed existence the genera of Iotonchus, Mylonchulus and Margaronchulus on rhizosphere of durian were recorded in Banjarbaru.
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