Program Edukasi Penanganan On-Site Finger Injury Pada Atlet Basket

Farid Rahman, Calvin Hendrawan Roneta, Dhiva Luhtirani Yanitamara, Muhammad Raihan Maulidan, Shureenzen Suci Syafatillah, Nimas Ayu Anggraeni, Arif Pristianto


Basket menjadi salah satu olahraga yang memiliki peminat terbanyak, namun tak jarang atlet yang menekuni olahraga tersebut harus mundur karena mengalami cedera yang parah.  Atlet yang kurang dalam memahami teknik-teknik dasar seperti (dribble, shooting, pivot, lay-up, dll) yang berada di bola basket akan berisiko mengalami cedera. Salah satu cedera yang sering terjadi pada atlet bola basket ialah mallet finger injury. Cedera ini disebabkan oleh adanya deformitas yang disebabkan oleh adanya disrupsi dari tendon ekstensor digitorum dan sering terjadi pada lingkungan olahraga dengan basis melempar. Mallet finger injury yang mengenai atlet basket membuat atlet kesulitan dalam melakukan gerakan ekstensi jari secara aktif, hal ini tentu berakibat fatal terhadap performa yang dihasilkan, salah satunya ialah atlet yang berada di Unit Bola Basket Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Dalam upaya mencegah berkurangnya performa dan keoptimalan permainan, perlu dilakukan treatment atau rehabilitasi saat berada di lapangan. Perawatan on-site atau dilapangan tentunya memiliki prosedur yang harus diperhatikan. Pemberian edukasi TOTAPS dan PEACE and LOVE kepada atlet UBB Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta dengan cara menyampaikan materi serta melakukan simulasi kepada atlet tersebut. Leaflet menjadi salah satu upaya tim pelaksana pengabdian masyarakat dalam media penyampaian materi. Dalam sosialisasi tersebut, didapatkan hasil bahwa atlet dapat memahami dan mempraktikkan secara tepat tentang penanganan on-site mallet finger injury, dibuktikan dengan hasil skor pre dan post-test pemahaman atlet. Tim pelaksana pengabdian masyarakat mampu mencapai tujuan utama pelaksanaan kegiatan komunitas.

Basketball is one of the sports with the most enthusiasts, but it is not uncommon for athletes who pursue the sport to retreat due to severe injuries. Athletes who lack understanding of basic techniques such as (dribble, shooting, pivot, lay-up, etc.) in basketball will be at risk of injury. One injury that often occurs in basketball athletes is a mallet finger injury. This injury is caused by a deformity caused by disruption of the extensor digitorum tendon and often occurs in a throwing-based sports environment.Mallet finger injury that affects basketball athletes makes it difficult for athletes to perform active finger extension movements; this is certainly fatal to the resulting performance, including athletes in the Basketball Unit of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. To prevent reduced performance and game optimization, it is necessary to perform treatment or rehabilitation in the field. On-site or field treatment certainly has procedures that must be considered. Providing TOTAPS, PEACE, and LOVE education to UBB athletes at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta by delivering material and conducting simulations for these athletes. Leaflets are one of the efforts of the community service implementation team in delivering material. In the socialization, the results showed that athletes can understand and practice appropriately about the on-site handling of mallet finger injuries, as evidenced by the pre and post-test scores of athletes' understanding. The community service implementation team can achieve the main objectives of implementing community activities.


basket; mallet finger injury; on-site; PEACE and LOVE; TOTAPS

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