Improving The Ability of Vacational High School Teachers To Implement Student-Character Education Based on Local Cultural Wisdom
This community service project aims to increase the capacity of SMK Negeri 6 Seluma teachers to educate students' moral values/character based on local cultural wisdom. Community service activities were implemented through a mixed approach of lectures, discussions, and workshops such as forum group discussions, demonstrations, role plays, and panel group discussions. The implementation of community service activities carried out using these methods has made changes in the ability level of SMK Negeri 6 Seluma teachers in (1) mastering the concepts/theories of character education (planting approach, cognitive moral development approach, value analysis approach, value clarification approach, action learning approach, and value integrated approach); (2) identifying the moral character values of local cultural wisdom that are aligned with the moral character values in the teaching materials expected to be studied by students and aligned with the core competencies, basic competencies, and criteria in question; (3) analyzing the subject matter, core competencies, basic competencies, values, and panel group discussions for each grade level; (4) analyzing based on core competencies, basic competencies, panel group discussions, and local values cultural wisdom to be taught to students; and (5) compilation.
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