Introduction to Digital Practicum to Enhance Numeracy Literacy of Teachers

Wahyu Hardyanto, Siti Wahyuni, Isa Akhlis, Teguh Darsono, Ian Yulianti


The characteristics of physics learning, which discuss natural phenomena and present them in a scientific context, are often supported today by digital practicum activities. However, field facts indicate that some teachers still need help analyzing data in tables and graphs, which are part of numeracy literacy. Therefore, activities are needed to introduce digital practicum to improve teachers' numeracy literacy skills. This effort is realized through community service activities using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method in the Physics Teachers Professional Association (MGMP) of senior high schools in Batang Regency, Central Java. The activities include training related to introducing digital practicum using the Arduino Science Journal application, reading, processing, and interpreting data. Overall, 100% of teachers reported gaining new knowledge related to the digital practicum supporting mastery of numeracy literacy.

Keywords: arduino science journal; numeracy literacy; digital practicum


arduino science journal; digital practicum; numeracy literacy

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