Penguatan Kompetensi Guru dalam Optimalisasi Fungsi Laboratorium

Arif Sholahuddin, Ratna Yulinda, M Fuad Sya'ban, Rasidah Rasidah


Laboratorium sebagai sarana pembelajaran IPA memiliki fungsi sangat penting dalam menfasilitasi peserta didik membangun kompetensi ilmiah. Oleh karena itu diperlukan manajemen yang tepat oleh pengelola yang memiliki kompetensi. Kegiatan workshop ini dilakukan untuk memperkuat kompetensi guru dalam optimalisasi fungsi laboratorium IPA. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentuk ceramah-tanya jawab, diskusi, praktik laboratorium berbasis inquiry dan latihan implementasi manajemen laboratorium di laboratorium sekolah. Peserta kegiatan sebanyak 19 orang guru IPA SMP di Kota Banjarmasin dan Kabupaten Banjar. Kegiatan workshop ini mampu memperkuat pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru SMP dalam pengelolaan laboratorium dan keterampilan merancang dan melaksanakan praktikum berbasis guided inquiry serta kemampuan menerapkan hasil workshop di laboratorium IPA sekolah. Peserta workshop sangat antusias selama mengikuti kegiatan dan merasa sangat terbantu dalam mengatasi kendala dan permasalahan yang dialami guru-guru IPA di sekolah masing-masing. Perlu perluasan peserta workshop di berbagai daerah agar mampu meningkatkan peran laboratorium dalam mendukung tujuan pembelajaran IPA yang meliputi pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan ilmiah peserta didik.

The laboratory has a very important function as a means of science learning to facilitate students to build their scientific competences. Therefore, we need proper management which is performed by the competent laboratory managers. This workshop was conducted to strengthen the teachers’ competence in optimizing the functions of a science laboratory. The workshop methods including lectures, discussions, inquiry-based laboratory practices and implementation of school’s laboratory management. The participants were 19 junior high school science teachers in Banjarmasin City and Banjar Regency. This workshop was able to strengthen teachers’ knowledge and skills in mining school’s laboratory, teachers’ skills to design and implement guided inquiry-based practicum, and teachers’ ability to apply skills in managing science laboratory. The participants appear very enthusiastic during the workshop and they felt greatly helped in overcoming many laboratory obstacles and problems. It is necessary to expand the workshop’s participants in various regions in order to increase the role of laboratories in supporting science learning objectives which include scientific knowledge, attitudes, and skills of students.



manajemen; laboratorium; guided inquiry; pembelajaran IPA

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