Pencegahan Pandemik Covid-19 dengan Hand Sanitizer Prodi Sains UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

Suryandari Suryandari, Trining Puji Astutik, Istiqamah Istiqamah


Pandemik COVID-19 menjadi fokus pemerintah di seluruh dunia karena terhitung sampai dengan 20 Maret 2020 terdapat 271.206 kasus penularan wabah COVID-19 tersebar pada 184 negara. Proteksi awal dari penyebaran virus dengan menjalankan hidup sehat dan bersih serta melakukan self distancing. Salah satu solusi pencegahan virus dibutuhkan cairan pembersih tangan yang efektif dan efisien, yaitu hand sanitizer dan cairan disinfektan khususnya di lingkungan UIN Antasari. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan melalui empat tahap, yaitu: persiapan, produksi, distribusi, dan kontribusi. Hand sanitizer dan cairan disinfektan dibuat berdasarkan resep BPOM dan Dinas Kesehatan. Kemasan hand sanitizer botol yang digunakan berukuran 100 mL sehingga mudah untuk dibawa. Hand sanitizer dan cairan disinfektan mampu mengupayakan pencegahan pandemik COVID-19 khususnya di lingkungan UIN Antasari, Produk didistribusikan kepada pihak-pihak yang rentan terpapar seperti pada unit. Dosen dan staf, pihak mahasiswa yang aktif (Himpunan Mahasiswa) serta masyarakat di sekitar lingkungan UIN Antasari.


The COVID-19 pandemic has become the focus of governments worldwide because, as of March 20, 2020, 271.206 cases of transmission of the COVID-19 outbreak spread over 184 countries. Initial protection from the spread of the virus by living a healthy and clean life and practising self-distancing. One solution to prevent the virus is to use an effective and efficient hand sanitizer, namely hand sanitizer and disinfectant, especially at UIN Antasari. Community service activities are carried out through four stages, namely: preparation, production, distribution, and contribution. Hand sanitizers and disinfectant liquids are made based on a prescription from BPOM and the Health Service. The bottle hand sanitizer packaging used is 100 mL, so it is easy to carry. Hand sanitizers and disinfectant liquids can try to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in the Antasari UIN environment. Products are distributed to parties who are vulnerable to exposure, such as units: lecturers and staff, active students (Student Association) and the community around UIN Antasari.


Cairan Disinfektan; COVID-19; Hand Sanitizer

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