Simulator Sistem Power Window bagi SMK Ma’arif 1 Wates Kulonprogo

Ayu Sandra Dewi, Tafakur Tafakur, Moch Solikin


Pembelajaran praktikum di SMK membutuhkan media pembelajaran yang mampu mendukung tingkat penguasaan kompetensi siswa sesuai kebutuhan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui hasil pengembangan simulator power window; (2) mengetahui respon guru SMK Ma'arif 1 Wates terhadap produk simulator power window yang dikembangkan. Sasaran program pengabdian ini adalah guru-guru produktif dengan kompetensi keahlian Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Otomotif (TKRO) dan Teknik Sepeda Motor dan Bisnis (TSMB) di SMK Ma'arif 1 Wates. Pengabdian dilaksanakan menggunakan metode pengembangan produk berupa simulator power window disertai dengan pelatihan penggunaan simulator. Berdasarkan program pengabdian yang telah dilaksanakan pada hari Kamis, 22 September 2022 dengan target sasaran adalah seluruh guru TKRO dan TSMB SMK Ma’arif 1 Wates, dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Simulator power window adalah simulator yang berisi komponen power window mobil dan dapat dirakit dan disimulasikan; (2) Respon yang diberikan guru SMK Ma'arif 1 Wates baik sehingga simulator dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran praktik pemeliharaan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan; dan (3) Pelatihan penggunaan simulator power window yang dilaksanakan di SMK Ma’arif 1 Wates berjalan dengan baik dan lancar.

Practicum learning in Vocational Schools requires learning media to support mastery of student competencies according to needs. This service activity aims to: (1) Know the results of developing a power window simulator; (2) know the response of teachers at SMK Ma'arif 1 Wates to the power window simulator product being developed. The target of this service program is productive teachers with competency skills in Light Automotive Engineering (TKRO) and Motorcycle and Business Engineering (TSMB) at SMK Ma'arif 1 Wates. The service is carried out using a product development method in the form of a power window simulator accompanied by training on using a simulator. Based on the service program that was carried out on Thursday, September 22, 2022 with the target targets being all TKRO and TSMB teachers at SMK Ma'arif 1 Wates, it can be concluded that: (1) The power window simulator is a simulator that contains car power window components and can be assembled and simulated; (2) The response given by the teacher at Ma'arif 1 Wates Vocational High School was good so that the simulator could be used in learning light vehicle electrical maintenance practices; and (3) The training on using the power window simulator which was held at SMK Ma'arif 1 Wates went well and smoothly.



Pelatihan; Power Window; Simulator

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