Background: Adhesion of Lactobacillus acidophilus can cause secondary caries and failure of tooth restorations. One of the secondary caries prevention methods is the use of bioactive composite resins which have antibacterial properties. The antibacterial effect is further enhanced by the use of bonding which has antibacterial monomers. The two-step adhesive system in the 6th generation bonding has acid monomers which have been shown to significantly inhibit bacterial growth. Objective: To determine and analyze the effect of bonding application with antibacterial content on the amount of attachment of Lactobacillus acidophilus to bioactive composite resin restoration. Methods: This study design used true experimental with a post-test only design with control group design using 39 premolars 1 tooth divided into 3 groups: the treatment group that was given bonding and the control group that did not use bonding. Results: The results of the One Way ANOVA showed a significant difference (p = 0.000). Post hoc Bonferroni test results showed a significant difference (p = 0.000) between the treatment group and the control group. Conclusion: In the use of antibacterial, non-antibacterial bonding, and without bonding, there were significant differences in the number of attachments of Lactobacillus acidophilus to the restoration material.
Keywords: Antibacterial, Bioactive Composite Resin, Lactobacillus acidophilus.
Latar Belakang: Perlekatan Lactobacillus acidophilus dapat menyebabkan terjadinya karies sekunder dan kegagalan restorasi gigi. Salah satu metode pencegahan karies sekunder adalah dengan penggunaan resin komposit bioaktif yang memiliki sifat antibakteri. Efek antibakteri semakin ditingkatkan dengan penggunaan bonding yang memiliki monomer antibakteri. Sistem adhesive two step pada bonding generasi ke-6 memiliki monomer asam yang terbukti signifikan menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Tujuan: Mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh aplikasi bonding dengan kandungan antibakteri terhadap jumlah perlekatan bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus pada material restorasi resin komposit bioaktif. Metode: Desain penelitian ini menggunkan penelitian eksperimental murni (true experimental) dengan rancangan post test only with control group design menggunakan 39 gigi premolar 1 dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok: kelompok perlakuan yang diberi bonding dan kelompok kontrol yang tidak menggunakan bonding. Hasil: Hasil uji statistik One Way Anova menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p = 0,000). Hasil uji Post hoc bonferoni menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p = 0,000) antara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol. Kesimpulan: Pada penggunaan bonding antibakteri, bonding non-antibakteri, dan tanpa bonding terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada jumlah bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus yang melekat pada material restorasi.
Kata kunci : Antibakteri, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Resin Komposit Bioaktif.
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