Background : Anxiety and fear are factors that influence children's emotions so that they are less cooperative during dental treatment process. Non-pharmacological methods can be used to overcome these problems, such as by tell-show-do, modeling, enhancing control, voice control, behavior formation, distraction, and magic tricks. Smartphone game applications are very popular among children since it provides an overview of the dental care experience through various features available in it.Objective: To determine the effect of tell-show-do combination behavior management and the use of smartphone games before dental procedures on children's dental anxiety levels. Method: This research was literature review. Literature searches were performed through PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar.Results: There are 30 journals that meet the inclusion criteria, that are journals published in 2015-2020, written in Indonesian and English, using objects of children aged 6-12 years, and available in full text. The main interventions reviewed in the journal are the used of tell-show-do behavior management and game dentistry in smart phone. Conslusion:The combination of tell-show-do behavior management and the use of smart phone games had an effect on reducing children's anxiety levels.
Keywords: Behavior Management, Children Dental Anxiety, Game, Smartphone,Tell-Show-Do
Latar Belakang: Rasa cemas dan takut menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi emosi anak sehingga kurang kooperatif selama proses perawatan ketika berkunjung ke dokter gigi. Terdapat metode nonfarmakologi yang dapat diberikan untuk menangani kecemasan anak, yaitu tell-show-do, modelling, meningkatkan kontrol, kontrol suara, pembentukan perilaku, distraksi, dan trik sulap. Aplikasi game smartphone sangat disukai anak-anak karena dapat memberikan gambaran pengalaman perawatan gigi dari berbagai fitur yang tersedia di aplikasi tersebut. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh manajemen perilaku kombinasi tell-show-do dan penggunaan game smartphone sebelum prosedur perawatan gigi terhadap tingkat kecemasan dental anak. Metode: Menggunakan metode literature review atau tinjauan pustaka. Penelusuran literatur dilakukan menggunakan PubMed, Science Direct, dan Google Scholar. Hasil: Didapatkan 30 jurnal yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi yaitu jurnal yang terbit pada tahun 2015-2020, jurnal berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, jurnal dengan subjek anak-anak usia 6-12 tahun, jurnal tersedia dalam bentuk full text, intervensi utama yang ditelaah pada jurnal adalah penggunaan manajemen perilaku tell-show-do dan dentist game smartphone. Kesimpulan: Manajemen perilaku kombinasi tell-show-do dan penggunaan game smartphone berpengaruh dalam menurunkan tingkat kecemasan anak.
Kata kunci : Game, Kecemasan Dental Anak, Manajemen Perilaku, Smartphone, Tell-Show-Do
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