Background: River water is acidic, causing caries. Dental caries can be treated by performing restorations, one of which is GIC. Increasing technology, one of the newest is water settable GIC. Water-settable GIC can be directly mixed with sterile water making it easier for dentists because of its easy application. The advantage of water settable GIC is its high resistance to abrasion so it has a high shear bond strength. Objective: Knowing the effect of water settable GIC immersion in river water and PDAM water to diametric shear bond strength. Method: used a true experimental laboratory research method with a post test only design with a control group design on 27 samples which were divided into 3 groups immersion. After immersion, the value of the diametral tensile strength is measured using a universal testing machine by compressing it until the sample breaks. Result: There was a significant difference between the value of the diametric tensile strength of the sample groups of water settable GIC that immersed in river water and the sample groups of conventional GIC that immersed in aquadest. Conclusion: There is an effect due to water settable GIC immersion in river water and PDAM water to shear bond.strength.
Keywords: River Water, PDAM, Shear Bond Strength, Water Settable GIC.
Latar Belakang: Air sungai bersifat asam, sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya karies. Karies gigi dapat dirawat dengan melakukan restorasi, salah satunya adalah GIC. Semakin meningkatnya teknologi, Salah satu yang terbaru yaitu water settable GIC. Water-settable GIC dapat langsung di campur dengan air steril sehingga mempermudah dokter gigi karena pengaplikasiannya yang mudah. Kelebihan dari water settable GIC adalah resistensi yang tinggi terhadap abrasi sehingga memiliki kekuatan ikat geser yang tinggi.. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh perendaman water settable GIC dalam air sungai dan air PDAM terhadap kekuatan ikat geser. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimental murni laboratoris (true experimental laboratories) dengan rancangan post test only with control group design pada 27 sampel yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok perendaman. Nilai kekuatan ikat geser pada sampel diukur dengan menggunakan universal testing machine. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara nilai kekuatan ikat geser kelompok sampel water settable GIC yang direndam dalam air sungai dengan kelompok sampel water settable GIC yang direndam dalam akuades. Kesimpulan: Terdapat pengaruh akibat perendaman water settable GIC dalam air sungai dan air PDAM terhadap kekuatan ikat geser.
Kata kunci : Air PDAM, Air sungai, Kekuatan Ikat Geser, Water settable GIC.
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