Hubungan Faktor Obstetrik dengan Kejadian Anemia pada Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Kelayan Timur Banjarmasin

Hartina Fajar Damayanti, Syamsul Arifin, Lisda Hayatie


Abstract: Theooccurrence ofaanemia in pregnantwwomen remains high. The prevalence of anemia in pregnanttwomennaround thewworld is 41.8%, while in Indonesia is 48.9% and in East Kelayan Puskesmas Banjarmasin throughout 2018 by 48.37% categorized as the highest rate among all districts in Banjarmasin. The purpose of this study was to determineethe association of obstetric factors (parity, pregnancy intervals, and history of abortion) with the occurrence of anemia in pregnant women at the East Kelayan Puskesmas Banjarmasin. This study used an observational analytic method with cross-sectional approach. The sample include 50 pregnant women in their firstttrismester of pregnancy (pure K1). The sampling technique is done by systematic randommsampling. The test used was the chi-square test and the Fisher test. The results of the chi-square test analysis on parity showed p = 0.001, on pregnancy interval showed p = 0,000, and on history of abortion showed p = 0,000. Obstetric factors using the fisher test showed the results of p = 0,000. In conclusion, there is an association between obstetric factors and the occurrenceoofaanemia in pregnant women at the East Kelayan Puskesmas Banjarmasin p = 0,000.


Keywords:  obstetric factors, parity, anemia in pregnant women, parity, pregnancy interval, abortion history.


Abstrak: Kejadiannanemiaapadaaibuuhamillmasihhtinggi.pPrevalensiaanemia padaaibu hamilldiseluruhddunia sebesarr41,8%, diIIndonesia sebesarR48,9% dan diiPuskesmas Kelayan Timur Banjarmasin pada tahun 2018 dikategorikan yang terbanyak di seluruh kota Banjarmasin sebesar 48,37%. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui hubungan faktor obstetrik (paritas, interval kehamilan dan riwayat abortus) dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamilldi PuskesmassKelayan Timur Banjarmasin. Metodeepenelitian yang digunakannadalah observasional analitik dengannrancangan crossssectional. Sampel penelitiannadalahiibuuhamilltrimester I (K1 murni) sebanyak 50 sampel. Teknik pengambilannsampel dilakukanndenganncarassistematic randomssampling. Uji yang digunakan adalahuuji chi-squareedan ujiifisher. Hasi analisis ujiIchi-squareppada paritas menunjukkan nilai p=0,001, interval kehamilan menunjukkan nilaiIp=0,000, dan riwayat abortusmmenunjukkan nilai p=0,000. Faktoroobstetrik menggunakan uji fisher. Hasil analisisddengan nilaiIp=0,000. KesimpulanNpenelitian iniNadalah terdapatthubungan antaraafaktor obstetrik dengankkejadian anemia pada ibuuhamilddi Pukesmas Kelayan Timur Banjarmasin dengannnilai p=0,000.


Kata-kataakunci:  faktoroobstetrik, anemiappadaaibuhhamil, paritas, interval kehamilan, riwayat abortus.


Homeostasis; faktor obstetrik; anemia pada ibu hamil; paritas; interval kehamilan; riwayat abortus

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