Kadar Protein C-Reaktif Pasien Sepsis dan Non-Sepsis di Ruang Rawat Intensif RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin

Nurmalita Insani Haq, Oky Susianto, Rahmiati Rahmiati


Abstract: Sepsis is a high mortality disease with a in intensive care unit. CRP is expected to be a marker of sepsis. CRP is an acute phase biomarker which the increase is induced by proinflamatory cytokines. The purpose of this study was to determine sepsis and nonsepsis patients in the ICU based on qSOFA scores, CRP levels and patient outcomes in the period August - October 2019. This research was a descriptive observational prospect with repeated measurement of CRP levels. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling. The study population was all patients in the intensive care unit of Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin in the period August - October 2019. The diagnosis of sepsis was made using the qSOFA score. CRP levels were measured on ICU admission and 3 days after respectively. The results of this study included of 25 patients, consisted of 14 sepsis patients and 11 nonsepsis patients. The CRP level average of sepsis patients was at H0 (35.07 ± 31.53); H1 (15.85 ± 15.54); H2 (19.28 ± 18.25) and H3 (12.54 ± 14.8).


Keywords: CRP, mortality, sepsis.


Abstrak: Sepsis merupakan penyakit dengan angka kematian yang tinggi di ruang rawat intensif. CRP diperkirakan dapat menjadi salah satu penanda diagnosis sepsis. CRP merupakan biomarker fase akut yang peningkatannya diinduksi oleh sitokin proinflamasi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui gambaran pasien sepsis dan nonsepsis di ICU berdasarkan skor qSOFA, kadar CRP dan luaran pasien pada periode Agustus – Oktober 2019. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional deskriptif yang bersifat prospektif, dengan pengukuran berulang terhadap kadar CRP. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah consecutive sampling. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh pasien di ruang rawat intensif RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin pada periode Agustus – Oktober 2019. Penegakkan diagnosis sepsis dilakukan menggunakan skor qSOFA. Pengukuran kadar CRP dilakukan saat pasien masuk ICU dan 3 hari setelahnya secara berturut-turut. Hasil penelitian ini terdiri dari 25 pasien, dengan 14 pasien sepsis dan 11 pasien non sepsis. Rata-rata kadar CRP pasien sepsis pada H0 (35.07±31.53); H1 (15.85±15.54); H2 (19.28±18.25) dan H3 (12.54±14.8).


Kata-kata kunci: CRP, mortalitas, sepsis.


Homeostasis; CRP; mortalitas; sepsis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/ht.v3i3.2798


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