Jumlah Eosinofil Pasien Sepsis dan Nonsepsis di Ruang Rawat Intenif RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin

Marisa Izza Mawaddah, Oky Susianto, Rahmiati Rahmiati


Abstract: Eosinophils are an immunomodulator which is routine to check in every hospital because it is cheap and easy to do. Eosinophils are ideal biomarkers of sepsis and nonsepsis. The use of qSOFA can describe quantitatively and objectively to identify sepsis patients earlier. So that high sepsis cases and treatment costs can be reduced. The purpose of this study was to determine sepsis and nonsepsis patients in the ICU based on qSOFA scores, the number of eosinophils and outcomes of patients treated at the ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin in the August-October 2019 period. The design of the study was a descriptive observational. In this study found 31 participants who met with consecutive sampling techniques. The number of sepsis patients was 16 people and nonsepsis patients was 15 people. The average of eosinophils of sepsis patients was 30 cells/mm3 (T0), 78.18 cells/mm3 (T1), and 184.55 cells/mm3 (T2). While nonseptic patients was 24.57 cells/mm3 (T0), 42.00 cells/mm3(T1), and 107.33 cells/mm3 (T2). In sepsis, 68.75% of patients survived and 31.25% died. Whereas the output of 100% nonseptic patient survives.


Keyword: eosinophils, ICU, qSOFA, outcome, sepsis


Abstract: Eosinofil merupakan immunomodulator yang rutin diperiksa di setiap rumah sakit karena biayanya murah dan mudah dilakukan. Sehingga menjadi biomarker sepsis dan nonsepsis yang ideal. Penggunaan qSOFA secara kuantitatif dan objektif dapat mengidentifikasi pasien sepsis lebih dini. Sehingga kejadian dan biaya perawatan sepsis yang tinggi dapat ditekan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pasien sepsis dan nonsepsis di ICU berdasarkan skor qSOFA, jumlah eosinofil dan luaran pasien yang dirawat di ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin periode Agustus-Oktober 2019. Rancanga penelitian ini deskriptif observasional. Didapatkan 31 partisipan dengan teknik pengambilan sampel consecutive dengan 16 orang sepsis dan 15 orang nonsepsis. Rerata jumlah eosinofil pasien adalah 30 sel/mm3 (T0), 78,18 sel/mm3 (T1), dan 184,55 sel/mm3 (T2). Sedangkan pasien nonsepsis adalah 24,57 sel/mm3 (T0), 42,00 sel/mm3 (T1), dan 107,33 sel/mm3 (T2). Luaran pasien sepsis 68,75% bertahan hidup dan 31,25% meninggal dan luaran pasien nonsepsis 100% bertahan hidup.


Kata-kata kunci: eosinofil, ICU, luaran, qSOFA, sepsis


Homeostasis; eosinofil; ICU; luaran; qSOFA; sepsis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/ht.v3i3.2804


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