Aktivitas Ekstrak Etanol Daun Pucuk Merah (Syzygium myrtifolium Walp.) sebagai Ovisida dan Insect Growth Regulator terhadap Aedes aegypti
Abstract: Pucuk Merah leaves has several secondary metabolic compunds content like flavonoid that affect insect’s development. The purpose are to find out the activity of ovicide and IGR on pucuk merah leaves ethanol extract. This experiment using experimental type with posttest-only control group design method using eight groups for the preliminary test, seven groups for ovicide and IGR with 4 replication. The groups are 1%, 0,5%, 0,25%, 0,125%, 0,0625%, 0,03125%, negative control (water), positive control. Probit analysis obtained LC10, LC25, LC50, LC90, LC99 with each point are 0,190%, 0,264%, 0,382%, 0,769%, 1,359%. Kruskal-wallis test obtained P=0.002. Mann-whitney test towards the negative control are P=0,147, P=0,114, and P=0,136 and data from the laboratory obtained that there is an ovicide activity from pucuk merah leaves and has a similarity with positive control. IGR activity concentrations of 0,2%, 0,3%, 0,4%, 0,8%, 1,4% obtained IGR activity respectively 78%, 89%, 89%, 91%, 100%.
Keyword: ovicide, insect growth regulator, pucuk merah leaves, Aedes aegypti
Abstrak: Daun Pucuk Merah memiliki kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder flavonoid yang memiliki pengaruh pada perkembangan serangga. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui aktivitas ovisida dan IGR ekstrak etanol daun pucuk merah, menggunakan jenis eksperimental metode posttest-only with control group design menggunakan delapan kelompok untuk uji pendahuluan, tujuh kelompok untuk ovisida dan IGR dengan 4 replikasi. Delapan kelompok, 1%, 0,5%, 0,25% 0,125%, 0,0625%, 0,03125% kontrol negatif, dan kontrol positif. Uji probit didapatkan nilai LC10, LC25, LC50, LC90, dan LC99 sebesar 0,190%, 0,264%, 0,382%, 0,769%, dan 1,359%. Uji Kruskal-wallis didapatkan nilai P= 0.002. Uji Mann-whitney seluruh konsentrasi terhadap kontrol negatif didapatkan p=0,147, p=0,114, dan p=0,136, dan berdasarkan data laboratorium didapatkan jika ada aktivitas ovisida pada daun pucuk merah, dan memiliki kesetaraan dengan kontrol yang digunakan. Aktivitas IGR konsentrasi 0,2%, 0,3%, 0,4%, 0,8%, 1,4% didapatkan aktivitas IGR berturut-turut 78%, 89%, 89%, 91%, 100%.
Kata kunci: ovisida, insect growth regulator, daun pucuk merah, Aedes aegypti.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/ht.v4i2.4025
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